
Sitemap: is a continual work in progress. As I try to develop it and as I experiment with pages I will keep the Sitemap updated in order to provide easy navigation to the different features. I'm not a whiz with websites and so each page it takes a lot of time and energy to put up, so I apologize if it seems slow.

Right now, I'm working on getting reviews up for my favorite sets. As the site develops, I hope to add more reviews from some of the classic sets I loved growing up, as well as my own personal insights on the Lego building/collecting hobby. But as I said, it all takes time.

Star Wars Legos

Lego Star Wars Characters

Set Review: 7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack

Set Review: 7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack

Unfinished Set Review: 10188 Lego Death Star

Lego Harry Potter

Unfinished Set Review: 4842 Hogwarts Castle

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean

Set review: 4194 Whitecap Bay

Set review: 4183 The Mill

Castle Legos

Set Review: 7947 Prison Tower Rescue

Set Review: 7187 Escape from the Dragon's Prison


Who Invented Legos: A Biography of Ole Kirk Christiansen

Lego Luke Skywalker Crash Lands On A Pirate Island

Lego Harry Potter vs. Lego Darth Vader!

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