Lego Star Wars Characters
The phenomenal group of designer at TLG have done their best work creating Lego Star Wars characters. From the beginning of the theme in 1999 to the present day, they have continued to improve on character design and detail. As you can probably tell from the photos, my preferences lean toward the Original Trilogy. But there are hundreds of Lego Star Wars minifig designs from the prequel trilogy and the Clone Wars TV show as well.
For example, check out these pictures from the new Mandalorian battle pack.
Everything from Stormtrooper to Jedi Legos have been released with great popularity. Here is a sampling of some of my favorites:

Here is baddest "Dark Lord" to ever appear onscreen: Lego Darth Vader. This picture was taken shortly after he decapitated a poor rebel trooper on Hoth. Lego Darth Vader is perhaps the coolest Lego Star Wars character ever. just look at the detail! But Boba Fett fans may disagree...

Here Obi-Wan Kenobi poses with his long-forgotten brother, Obi-Oogh Kenobi. Fascinatingly enough, Obi-Oogh has defeated many Sith Lords with just his beard and club.

This guy is always getting eaten by something.
See more goofy Lego Star Wars Mash-Ups
Poor guys. Did you ever notice how expendable Stormtroopers are? They're constantly getting shot, hacked apart by lightsabers, and thrown off
Death Star
chasms. Here a Lego Stormtrooper is speared by a savage Lego Spartan.
The new Clone Trooper Battle Pack has some great examples of Stormtrooper minifigs. Check out pictures here!

You haven't seen Captain Solo's new hairdo? Apparently Leia loves long-green-haired hunks. Oh the sacrifices one must make for true love.

Everybody's favorite duo, Lego C-3PO and R2-D2, just stylin' and profilin'.

I love both of these Lego Emperor Palpatine designs because of the poor fellow's constipated face. The lightning bolts are a great touch...

Did you ever hear the ancient Jedi legend of the mighty Wampa slain by a forest bandit? Next time you're in the Mos Eisley cantina, ask the bartender to tell you the tale. Fascinating...
The best Lego set ever- 10188 Lego Death Star!!!
Goofy Lego Mash-Up: Star Wars and Pirates
New Clone Trooper Battle Pack Pics featuring the great ARF Trooper minifig!
Build a Lego Mandalorian army! The most skillful warriors in the universe come to Lego!
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Do you have a favorite Lego SW character? Is there a particular minifig that you feel captures the spirit of the Star Wars line well? Or have you custom-created your own version of a character? Share a picture or comment below!